
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

An Updating Life

Just like a modern program attaches to an update server, our lives are connected and networked to a point where we are somewhat force-fed life patterns. It always seems to amuse me how our world is so complicated, so diverse. Yet, despite all of the odd near-randomalities that may happen in a day -- the chance that they were bound to occur is no mere coincidence.

Freedom of choice, freedom to live, freedom to eat, these may seem like the existential ideals that we preach to ourselves and others but when you dive below the fold, there may be little choice to be had. Don't get me wrong, I am no believer in destiny, but I do believe that our lives, like a complicated artificial intelligence, are bound by the relations our brain makes to others and the social construction of our reality we inherent: a stigmata.

At this point, you may seriously be wondering where this thread is going and I don't think you'd be "normal" if you didn't. I wanted to address this issue because it is something that is close to me at this point in my life. Graduating in May means that I just have a few months to apply to as many careers as possible and decide interminably a plan for my life. My fiancee and I are set to be married in October (finances allowing) and I am at a point in my life where I am finally ready to move on to a new stage.

Sure, I know my interests. I honestly have a good idea of what I am wanting to do with my life, which I am completely grateful for! I love my degree in Communication and Media Studies, I am absolutely thrilled to be able to look into why someone communicates a certain way and how the political economy we live in constitutes a reality created by media. I love the power of rhetoric both in the written form and the visual. I love the puzzle that is human relations, but here is my anticipation fear of my future. Is my future really what I make it, or is there a set of variables waiting to force my path in a different direction?

But you say, "Chad, no worries. Everyone at this point in their life is a tad bit worried about the future. It's human!" I understand this, trust me. I do, but I express myself better when writing things out than to just let them sit inside. There are a lot of future career possibilities that I would jump head over heels for, but is there even a chance of it happening? Is it just a sticky-wicket not wanting to go down? Is it a waste of time for something that may never evolve?

A close friend of mine recently applied to Google with as strong of an ambition as I have now. He spent months preparing his presentation and interview and was even flown out to the campus. Then, suddenly, it happened. Despite his background at NASA and his near flawless GPA, it just didn't work out. There was no reason from Google to why they didn't accept him and there will probably never be any feedback to help him understand what might have gone wrong.

Now, my conviction (though not absolute) is not going to stop me from fighting to achieve what I believe I am capable of achieving, but I still have that real fear of it simply not working out. After all, our lives are determined by the lives of others around us. There simply are things that we cannot control, no matter how hard we try.

Well folks, let's give it a try anyways. I am blessed to have such a passionate group of friends and family here to progress with. I think in the end we will all be fine, but "whoo" this period of waiting is torture.

Next post I am thinking that I will expand on my career interests a bit and a few industries I'd clamor over to work in. (I am still working on that Sea World post, slowly...)
Oh, and I promise it won't be two months apart like all my other posts have been. **wink** Time for some regularity!

And with that, eat your fiber and I'll see you next time!

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